- Meeting with Bill Bernhey 10/2/2001. Discussed PC Information Monitoring and Tracking System specs.
- Meeting with Fran Ogarra 10/4/2001. Discussed Dean Communication System specs.
- Meeting with Dr. Tappert 10/4/2001. Discussed System Requirements.
- Team Meeting 10/4/2001. Discussed Project Deliverables and Timetables.
- 11/10/2001 Met at Pace, Saturday, 11:00-6:00pm to perfomr development of the PMTS system, worked on the initial input pages for the PMTS system
- 11/17/2001 Met at Pace, Saturday, 11:00-6:00pm to perform development of the PMTS system, worked on the change/update section
- 11/24/2001 Met at Pace, Saturday, 11:00-5:00pm to perform development of the PMTS system, worked on the delete/display section
- 11/22/2001 Jojo met with the Dean to get her specification for the Dean Communication System.
- 12/1/2001 Started development of Dean Communication System. Met Saturday at PACE Graduate building 1:00-6:00pm to perform Coldfusion development and database design of the Dean System. Completed add/modify/delete of items for the Dean System
- 12/08/2001 Met at Pace, Saturday, 11:00-5:00pm to perform development of the DCS system, worked on the HTML layout of the site.
- 12/6/2001 Met with Bill Bernhey and Mike Siddaras. Mike gave feedback on the PMTS site.