Use Case
Name: The Dean’s communication system
Description: Add communication items on the Dean’s Communication System.
Precondition: Important announcements from the Dean are done in paper form.
Postcondition: The communication items will be viewable by students, faculty, and staff on the system.
Basic course action:
1. A Pace user wants to add a communication item to the system
2. The Pace user inputs name and password into the system via “USR100 Logon Screen”
3. The system verifies the ID and password using “VAL200 Determine Validity of Logon”
4. The system displays “DCS300 Dean’s Communication System Screen” showing selections including Add an Item.
5. The system validates the information entered using “VAL300 Validate Item”
6. The system assigns an Item# to the report using “VAL400 Validate Item Number”
7. The system post the item to the website via “P100 Post an Item Screen”
8. The Pace user views the communication items on the system.
9. The use case ends
Alternate Course A: The person is not eligible to login to post a communication item.
A.1 The system informs the Pace user that they do not have permission to access.
A.2 The use case ends.